Wednesday, August 7, 2013

Eat Healthy Stay Healthy

We cannot always predict what health issue is going to affect us now or in the future.  However there are a lot of things we can do to either prevent it or slow it down.

  •         Drink less soda
  •         Eating fruits and vegetables
  •         Exercise
  •          Eat more healthy foods

 Take diabetes for example, this can be caused by eating excess junk food, or too much soda, smoking, or being over-weight.  If you are doing everything necessary to be healthy but you have diabetes any way, then it is important that you follow you physician advice.

You may be thinking I don’t have diabetes and no one in my family does, so I’m good.  Do you know how your heart is doing, or if the cells in your body are operating properly?  You could have a heart attack, or develop some form of cancer.

Tuesday, July 30, 2013

Forgiveness a Way of Life

No one is perfect, we all make mistakes, sometimes we have no control over what happen; however we have control over what happen with our minds, and can choose what goes and what becomes a part of our lives.  Taking control means making a conscious decision to do something.


Forgiveness is a decision you make that will benefit you and not the other person who may have done you wrong.  It’s a decision you make to let go of your resentment and thoughts of revenge.  The bible talks about forgiving other as we would want others to forgive us.  Studies have shown that forgiveness is essential to your health and state of mind.

Forgiveness is not denying or minimizing the wrong that was done to you.  It is not telling the responsible party that it’s OK not to take responsible for their actions.  Forgiveness is allowing your-self to have peace and move on to live a healthy and productive life.  
Benefits of forgiving someone

Friday, July 26, 2013

Practicing Healthy Living

If practicing healthy living could improve your personal life, would you try doing it?
Practicing healthy habits and behaviors, is the best receipt for a happy life and improved life. To accomplish a task or goal you’ll need to have the proper skills. So to practice good habits and behaviors, you’ll need
  • Positive attitude
  • Read more
  • Eat healthy
  • Exercise
  • Love yourself
  • Be kind to others

Develop healthy habits through reading
Through reading you will develop healthy habits and power, because knowledge is power.  The more you read the easier it is to learn new things.  However if you hate reading then you are in trouble, because that’s how we learn and gain knowledge which you will need to learn how to change your attitude. Reading is one of the best things you can do for yourself, since it gives you understanding, and a healthy mind.
Positive attitude
Having a positive attitude doesn't mean studying to be perfect in all that you do. Unfortunately it’s not always easy to have a positive attitude.  You need to understand that things don’t always go as planned, so if you run into opposition don’t be discourage and tuck away you positive attitude.  Main a positive attitude and understand there are times when things will go wrong.  Become a better person with a positive attitude is vital for success to healthy living.

Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Improve your Health with Yoga

How would you like to improve your health and overall life style with yoga?

Yoga is a practice intended to redirect your entire body, soul and mind to make it all come together. Yoga works the mind and body to make it fall into place, and help to improve your overall life style.

Everybody needs a little help some times to get their bodies and soul on track. Practicing yoga will help to improve your overall health, teaching you how to meditate and at the same time, relieving stress.  Yoga not only helps to relieve stress, but it also strengthens your limbs, and mind, may even help you to lose weight.
If you have never done yoga take it slow and easy, get an instructor or join a group.  Don't try to force your body into the different postures all at once. Doing more than your body can manage could do you more harm than good.   Like most exercise programs you need to go slow and stick with it.
You may be excited about doing yoga but don't go out and spend a lot of money on exercise clothing just to practice yoga. Start small you need some sweats and comfortable loose fitting tops.  You don’t have to purchase a yoga mat because most gyms will furnish them.

Monday, July 22, 2013

Steps to Over-coming Loneliness

Are you living a lonely life? 

We experience loneliness for a number of reasons, such as isolation or social awkwardness.  Everyone experience loneliness at some point in their live; but fortunately for us, there are a number of ways to overcome loneliness.

Loneliness is many-sided and often involves unpleasant emotional response to isolation or lack of companionship.  Loneliness can be felt even when you are surrounded by people who love you.  The cause of loneliness varies which could include social, mental, emotional, and spiritual factors.  Research has shown that loneliness is widely prevalent throughout society among people in marriages, relationships, families and successful careers.

Understand that we all get lonely
Experiencing loneliness does not mean there is something wrong with you.  We are all prone to loneliness during major life transitions whether it’s losing something or someone.  We will need to explore new alternatives and things to help us during this period.

Know the difference between loneliness and solitude
Loneliness is when you are not happy to be alone, and solitude is when you are happy to be alone.  If you are someone who is happy to be alone then you may be experiencing solitude and need to get professional help. 

Over-coming Loneliness

Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Overcoming the Fear of Failure

How would you answer this question; “are you afraid of failure?” 

Did you know that your fear of failure can keep you from being successful in life? Fear can stop you from experiencing success and freedom financially and physically in your life; it can keep you in a place that you don’t want to be and don’t know how to get out of.

  Fear of Failure
Are you afraid that if you start something it would fail? Do you think that you are one of those people who fail at everything you go after, and that you don’t deserve to be success in life?  It’s time to take control of your fear of failure.  Start believing that all things are possible, you just need to apply yourself, and failure is an option you don’t have to choose.

Fear of Change
Do you think that change will bring failure?  I personal don’t like change because it takes me out of my comfort zone.  But I am not afraid of changes because it’s a part of our everyday life.  We can’t get away from change no matter how hard we try, so embrace it and let it work for you it does not have to be a failure; it can be your platform to success.

Fear of Being Judged or Rejected
Fear can control you only if you allow it to; it has no power except for the power you give it.  Every successful individual you can think of has had been judged and rejected yet they choose to persevere and not let fear of failure conquer, or intimidate them. 

Sunday, July 14, 2013

Knowing When To Say No

Saying No is not always easy to do, it sometimes makes you feel bad and seems like a mean persons.  However once in a while you will find yourself in a situation that goes beyond the limits and you simple have to say “No”.  It is not easy to say no to your friends or people you love and care about.

Pleasing Other People
There are people in your life who every once in a while you may find it hard to say No to because you want to please them.  Pleasing others is not always in your interest, so you need to weight your options.  If you are in a business negation you need to use wisdom but stand up for what you believe and what’s in your best interest.  Take control of your life and stand up for yourself and say no when necessary, don’t always try to please others.

Afraid of Losing Friendship
I have lost relationships because I have said “No”.  Don’t worry about losing friends, set limits and stick to your principles.  If you have a friend you can’t say “No” to then this friendship is not worth keeping.  People come into our lives for a reason and a season so when the time comes for them to go, let them go.