Friday, June 28, 2013

Handling Life Changes

We get motivated and start taking action to reach our goals, at the beginning of a new year, or when something happen.  But after a couple of weeks or months we start falling back into the place we were before we had the inspiration.  How do you maintain the momentum and keep going forward. 

In life change is inevitable.  I like to read, and listen and getting information these days has become even easier with all the electronic device available, which allows you to read where ever you are without taking a book with you.  You now have the choice to listen to someone else read to you. 

What Needs to Change
Look around things are constantly changing and yet not many of us want to change because it is so frightening.  Making a change is challenging because you don’t know what is going to happen with the change that was made; what do you want to change? 

  • Your financial status, 
  •  your weight 
  •  your diet  
  •  your job 
  •  your relationship 

Making changes is hard especially because we are creatures of habit.  So it’s difficult to adjust to changes that are uncertain.  Sometimes we fail to understand that life does not always go the way we want it to go.  You may want to explore a new lifestyle or start a new job and one of the best ways to do this is through knowledge.

Wednesday, June 26, 2013

My Life - My Health

Changing the things in your life that needs to be changed is one way of taking control, it may be a reason to change your diet and eat right.  You have the power to change what you don’t like about yourself.  You can influence your long term health by eating a varied diet, performing regular physical activity, getting adequate fluid, plenty of sleep, and limiting your alcohol intake and stress.

Be Confidence with Who You Are
We all have something that we don't like about ourselves.  For too long society has dictated to us who we are and who we should look like or be like.  I could make a list of the things I would like to change in my live both physically and emotional.  However I have learned that I don't have much control over the physical so I work on changing the emotional part, and my diet. 

Be confident with who you are, and don't dwell on the things you can’t change.  Look for all the good things you like about your-self and work on enhancing these things. Try something you have never done before, but you really, really want to do. Look at the world around you and see where you.

Be Aware of What You Eat
At some point in our lives we all think about what we eat and how to make changes.  Choosing the right diet it not that easy because they are so many to choose form, and you like me love to snack.    Judging from research in the Food marketing institute’s more than 9 out 10 shoppers says they are very or somewhat concerned about the nutritional content of what they eat.  So no matter how concerned you are if you need to change your diet and to lose weight or keep it off, go for it and don’t listen to the negative voices around you.  Read more….

Live Your Life on Your Terms
If you have a desire to increase your self-esteem, I suggest you live your life on your own terms.  What do I mean!!
  1. Do not listen to everyone's suggestions on how to live your life. 
  2. Listen to what your hearts saying and take a stand.         
  3. Do the things that make you happy, for in doing so you are living life on your own terms. 
 Be inspired to dream, paint a picture in your head and then make it happen.  You have the power to do so do not doubt yourself be confident.

Monday, June 24, 2013

Self-Development Is A Journey

Self-development is a process that is necessary in every area of our lives.  Gaining success becomes very easy with the help of self-development.   

Self-development can help us gain financial freedom and growth in our professional lives, it could easily take use to another level.  Self- development takes times, and a lot of hard work, it will not happen overnight, so we have to be prepared to make changes in your life.  
We can all live a productive life, if we are willing to make the sacrifice and do what is necessary to get us to our goal.  Be inspired to grow and take control of your life.  Self-development is one of the many tools that can be used to reach our goals in life.  
Get Organized
A good step in getting organized is to eliminate what isn’t of value in our lives.  Organizing our lives could create a sense of discipline to getting things done on time.  By removing an unorganized system from our lives, which could help us move a step closer towards getting organized and enjoying our lives.   

I have always tried to plan in advance, but sometimes things don’t go the way we plan.  However planning can help to avoid confusions and problems in your lives; a well-planned strategy can bring great results, and enhance our self-development.  If you really have the zeal to improve your life, and improve on your planning skills, then planning the steps in advance would be the best place to start. 

Be Positive
On our journey to procedure of self-development, we need to have a positive attitude.  If in the initial stages you don’t witness self-development, don’t be impatient; keep doing your best and stay positive.  Embrace a positive attitude and self-development will definitely manifest itself.   

Stay away from negativity it does not enhance self-development. Those of us who always think in a negative way are less adaptive towards self-development.  So avoid negativity and begin the voyage of self-development.

Complete the Mission
Continue working to accomplish the tasks.  Accomplishing our goals could be an excellent technique in initiating self-development.  Doing our best and aiming for the sky could help us in reaching our goals quickly and automatically increase self-development.

Now that we have gone through some of the steps to self-development, let us begin our journey which holds a high significance in self-building.  We are unable to achieve success, unless we fine the strength within our-selves to fight for growth, and self-development.
Success can be handy mostly by people, who know the importance of self-development and are willing to applying all the techniques above.  Read more

Saturday, June 22, 2013

Get Organize Be In Control

Organizing our lives is not something we do consciously, it’s handle the same way we handle organizing our homes.   We think about it, make a plan and then keep putting it off, until one day we realize that several years have pasted and nothing has been done.  Don’t wake up one morning and regret not taking control.  Now you may be wondering, where do I begin, and how much time is this going to take? It’s the same question I asked myself when I started de-cluttering my home. 

 I started with my closet and was very surprised with some of the things I found.  Things I had no recollection of, I even wonder if these things were mine.  The place I started may not be the same place you want to start. 
There are so many areas you can work on to de-clutter your life.  There are areas that you and I may not think needs to be de-cluttered.  So here are six things that some experts recommend you start with:

1.       Cleaning up your house 
2.      Exercising 
3.      Love yourself 
4.      Being grateful 
5.      Get outside, get moving 
6.      Change your diet
  • So at the end of the day how many more hours do you need to complete your to do list?
  • How much do you try to get done in one day?
  • Some of us have a lot going on in our daily lives without any structure, which can lead to chaos and less productivity. 
Organization is a great tool for a stress free life. 
Maintaining a positive attitude is a way to reduce stress in your life and improve your overall health.
Planning your day, and writing things down will help to keep you organized…
De-cluttering your diet may mean you have to eliminate a lot of the foods you now enjoy.  We will agree to disagree, that most of the food we now eat may not be good for us, but I’m not a dietitian, so I say all things in moderation.  However you may want to take a look at your diet to see if a change is required, and if so go ahead and make the change it will only make you feel better and live longer.

Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Make A Plan Set A Goal Take Control

Taking control of your life means having a plan, or an idea as to where you want to go, or what you would like to achieve in your life.  The plan may not work the way you planned it, however it pays to have one.  To get to a destination you need direction, how you get it varies.  So let us focus on one goal for this week.  We can always get more out of life when we organize our time.

I like things simple; however life is not always simple.  Life is unpredictable and can become very complicate at times. One of the things I do to get more out of life is organize my time.

  •  Make a list of things to do
  •  Put the list in order of most urgent
  •  Choose the best time to accomplish a task
  • Check off each task when it’s accomplish
  • Make time for yourself, even one hour per day, or an evening on the week-end.
  • Do not procrastinate!  Get the task done now, if there is time to do it

I’m a night person so I get more done when everyone is in bed and the house is quiet.

Therefore I try to do most of my task at night without losing sleep or staying up all night.  And remember that most of the things we do these days can be done online.  This way you can get a lot more done, so you can have more time for you and your family.

Cleaning up your immediate surrounding is a great way to start de-cluttering your life and reducing the stress you experience daily.  But there is more to organizing and de-cluttering your life than just your immediate surroundings.  Right now you may feel like your dreams have died and there is no resurrecting them, because there is just so much you have to do, and there is not enough time in a day, to get it all done. 

 It may all be caused by too much clutter.  Have you considered de-cluttering your life, and what you would need to achieve this goal? You may be looking around and thinking there is no clutter in my house, and my life is well organized.  Your life or your house may not look like the ones featured on cable television and network talk shows, so I’m good!