Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Make A Plan Set A Goal Take Control

Taking control of your life means having a plan, or an idea as to where you want to go, or what you would like to achieve in your life.  The plan may not work the way you planned it, however it pays to have one.  To get to a destination you need direction, how you get it varies.  So let us focus on one goal for this week.  We can always get more out of life when we organize our time.

I like things simple; however life is not always simple.  Life is unpredictable and can become very complicate at times. One of the things I do to get more out of life is organize my time.

  •  Make a list of things to do
  •  Put the list in order of most urgent
  •  Choose the best time to accomplish a task
  • Check off each task when it’s accomplish
  • Make time for yourself, even one hour per day, or an evening on the week-end.
  • Do not procrastinate!  Get the task done now, if there is time to do it

I’m a night person so I get more done when everyone is in bed and the house is quiet.

Therefore I try to do most of my task at night without losing sleep or staying up all night.  And remember that most of the things we do these days can be done online.  This way you can get a lot more done, so you can have more time for you and your family.

Cleaning up your immediate surrounding is a great way to start de-cluttering your life and reducing the stress you experience daily.  But there is more to organizing and de-cluttering your life than just your immediate surroundings.  Right now you may feel like your dreams have died and there is no resurrecting them, because there is just so much you have to do, and there is not enough time in a day, to get it all done. 

 It may all be caused by too much clutter.  Have you considered de-cluttering your life, and what you would need to achieve this goal? You may be looking around and thinking there is no clutter in my house, and my life is well organized.  Your life or your house may not look like the ones featured on cable television and network talk shows, so I’m good!


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